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How to Set Your Highest Goals

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

1. Seek God first!

2. Make sure you have your goals written out

3. Be Consistent

4. Everyday do at least one thing towards your goal(s)

5. Do not get discourage. Do not give up, quit or cave in

6. Ask for help when you need it. Don’t let pride keep you from achieving success

7. Give of your time, talent and treasure. Don’t give it all away the fool does that, be wise

8. Forgive, even when they don’t ask for forgiveness. Keep your heart pure

9. Check your circle daily. Weed out the corrupt, bitter, and distraction. No matter who or what. If they have to go, they have to go! If the person, place or thing is not adding to your life they are taking away from it. 10. Walk by Faith not by Sight. 11. Know your Worth


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